Tips and Resources for every skin type


Acne Scar



If you have suffered from acne and now have acne scars, then you probably are always considering  ways top get rid of the acne scars using a method that is both effective and painless


Acne scar or any type of scarring especially if the scars are situated on the face can make the sufferer feel less than perfect.


Indeed any acne scar especially if it is prominent can leave both psychological and emotional scarring as well as the physical problems associated with acne.


There are two types of acne scars, the first one is caused by an increase in tissue formation, and the second type of acne scar is caused by a loss of tissue.


An acne scar caused by an increase in tissue formation is a hypertrophic scar and is associated with excessive amounts of collagen.


Overproduction of collagen is associated with injury to the skin. It is a direct response of the skin to injury. Excessive collagen forms fibrous masses which results in typical acne scar.


One of the worst problems with an acne scar is if it is very bad and also very deep it can often resemble wrinkles. So it could be a person who has a bad acne scar may look much older than their years.


                                                      Watch this short video to learn how to get rid of acne scars



Accutane- The new wonder drug of late, it is very effective for some to prevent acne scarring in acne sufferers.  Your dermatologist can answer any questions you may have about this medication.


There is a problem associated with Accutane as reportedly it can cause birth defects. Medical doctors advise that you determine if you are pregnant before taking this med.



The different types of acne scars include:


  • Ice-pick scars
  • Depressed fibrotic scars
  • Soft scars, superficial or deep
  • Follicular macular atrophy
  • Atrophic macules


The type of treatment chosen to treat an acne scar should always be the one that suits the individual as each acne sufferer may have different needs.




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